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Dandruff and Acne: How Are They Related?

When you deal with acne, you usually believe that the main cause is the excess buildup of oil on your skin. But dandruff is also known to cause it. Dandruff, like acne, is a skin issue, which is a result of excess skin oil called sebum produced by our oil glands and hair follicles. Mostly, Dandruff occurs first which leads to pimples or forehead.

Seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff is a whitish or yellowish, flaky dead skin growth that spreads from your scalp to face, reaching your brows.

Dandruffcan be hereditary too but there can be a plethora of different causes of dandruff, like stress, existing medical conditions, and excessive oily or greasy scalp. 

How Dandruff Causes Acne?

Because pimples are formed by dirt. As, when dirt comes into touch with excess oil production on the skin then it clogs the skin pores, and you get pimples.

Seborrheicdermatitis (dandruff) causes your scalp’s skin to becomeflakier. These flakes fall on your face, blocking your face’s pores, particularly those on your forehead. The dandruff causes breakouts and aggravates your skin condition if you already have pimples

As both skin problems are caused by excessive oil generation, they are strongly intertwined. Dandruff flakes that fall on your face, it clogs pores, which, in turn, causes discomfort and redness on your face, eyebrow, scalp, and ears.

Dandruff and acne can also be connected to the hormonal changes that cause an increase in the oil production, which usually occurs throughout adolescence.Many people initially experience acne and flakes at around the same period.

How to Get Rid of the Acne Caused by Dandruff?

  • Keep the hair away from your face:

If you are dealing with dandruff, ensure that your hair stays away your face as it will ensure that the flakes on your hair don’t fall on your face and clogs your pores. You might need head bands to keep your hair away from your forehead. You can also tie ponytail or braid to keep your hair in place.

  • Comb your hair:

Combing your hair twice daily will guarantee that the dead skin cells on your scalp are brushed off, thereby preventing any chances of clogging the pores. This method is quite effective in treating pimples associated with dandruff.

  • Use a suitable shampoo:

Although, dandruff is a stubborn condition you can get rid of it by using the right anti-dandruff shampoo.You can use Head and Shoulder’s anti-dandruff shampoo which is very effective in eliminating and preventing the dandruff to come back. The shampoo is formulated with Pyrithione zinc, Salicylic acid, and Zinc Carbonate, that helps in getting rid of any build-up of dandruff. Some of the shampoo also contain neem, lemon, and menthol. These natural antiseptics clean the scalp and removes the excess dirt and oil.

Although, acne and dandruff are very normal conditions, it can be stubborn and difficult to deal with.Hence, proper care should be taken to get rid of dandruff and the acne caused by. Follow these tips to get healthy, beautiful hair.

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