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Essential tips for washing your baby’s clothes

Babies are very delicate beings. They are prone to contracting infections and diseases if they are not cared for properly. Part of caring for a baby is washing their clothes well to prevent skin irritation and discomfort.

Your baby’s skin is equally as sensitive as the rest of his or her body. This means that you must be cautious when it comes to the things you expose your body to. This included the clothes they wear. For this reason, you must not take washing your newborn baby clothes as an ordinary task. One wrong move could result in your baby’s skin getting irritated and the development of skin conditions. You must follow some tips or guides to help with the process. Below are some of these tips;

Be keen when choosing the right detergent

Before you even get to the washing, the first thing you should do is to choose the right detergent for the job. The market is packed with a wide range of detergents from varying brands. When choosing the right detergent for your baby, it would be wise to go for a fragrance-free option. This will come in handy if your baby has sensitive skin. In such cases, your baby may react adversely to the detergent.

Pre-treat the stains on the clothes before cleaning

Baby clothes are prone to getting stains that, if left unattended, may not come off. Therefore, an essential part of cleaning baby clothes is pre-treating the stains. Doing this will make your baby clothes look new after every wash. However, you must also be keen on the treatment method and the type of products you use. Ensure that the stain treatment products do not contain harsh chemicals.

Wash the baby clothes separately

It would also be wise if you isolated your baby’s clothes from the rest. Isolating your baby’s clothes allow you to use a special detergent that is separate from the adults. It will also avoid contact chemicals like lotions and fragrances that are present in your adult clothes. Doing this will also come in handy if your baby has eczema or highly sensitive skin. Additionally, if someone in your household works with harmful chemicals, you do not want their clothes to contact the chemicals and other hazardous materials. Separating your baby’s clothes will also come in handy if your baby uses a lot of clothes. Then you do not have to overload your washing machine.

However, if any of the situations listed above do not apply to you, you can comfortably combine your baby clothes loads with the rest of your laundry. This would work if you can effortlessly use a gentle detergent on all the laundry in the house. Therefore, when deciding between doing separate or combined loads, you must consider all the above-mentioned factors.

Final word

It is also worth mentioning that newborn baby clothes must be washed before they wear them for the first time. There are many cases where newborn baby clothes have caused irritation and rashes on babies after wearing them. Therefore, when you get clothes as gifts or buy new clothes for your child, you should wash them before clothing your child in them.  

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